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Ireland description

Ireland is a beautiful place,where the main language is English,we spent four days there and we saaw a girl in a park in Ireland to do a magic trick.The park was full of beautiful green trees.Ireland is the thrid largest island in Europe and the 20th largest island in the world.It is located northwest of continental Europe and is surrounded by hundreds of smaller islands and islets.


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Dear owner of the hotel,I hope to arrived in time to inform you that we need a deferral for the rental currently requested.We hope it is not a nuisance.We will not wait more than four days.I hope it is not a problem to have two rooms with two separate beds for each.Sorry for making so many changes at once,but we had problems and decided to write a letter to communicate these changes.We will go to the hotel as soon as we arrive on the flight and we will talk with you to know if all the modifications we have made are made,and there is no problem. Thanks you for the attention. Best regards and I hope to enjoy our stay at your establisment.